
This page provides attribution, when available, for blog post images from sources other than Sole Sorcery. Thank you to the creators who have blessed us with your art.

Acupressure and Reflexology blog post -
Image by Rebekah from Pixabay

All About Reflexology blog post -
Image by Amanda Radebe from Pixabay

Distance Reiki blog post -
Image by Džoko Stach from Pixabay

Reiki Energy blog post -
Image by Alyssa from Pixabay

Reflexology Organizations blog post -
Image by Alessandra Carrer from Pixabay

Reflexology Presentation blog post -
Image by segt16 from Pixabay

Reiki Organizations blog post -
Image by ...♡... from Pixabay

The Enclosure of Sin blog post -
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

They Want Your Energy blog post -
Image by iXimus from Pixabay

You Asked For Time blog post -
Image by G4889166 from Pixabay