Acupressure and Reflexology


What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which dates back over 2,000 years. Among other disciplines, TCM also includes acupuncture, tai chi, and herbal medicine.

Traditional Chinese Medicine states that vital energy (‘qi’ or 'chi') runs through the body in channels called meridians. There are six pairs of main meridians (12 in total) that carry qi to the organs. Six meridians are ‘yin’ (energy moving upwards) and the remaining six are ‘yang’ (energy moving downwards). If energy flows through the meridians too quickly or too slowly, illness can develop. This can also occur if the meridians become blocked.

The body contains hundreds of acupressure points located along the meridians. Stimulation of these points helps to regulate the flow of energy and eliminate blockages.

Acupressure and Reflexology

Over 20 acupressure points are located on the feet. This includes the ankle area, and on the inside, outside, and top of the feet. One acupressure point can be found on the sole of the foot. In addition, over 150 acupressure points are located on the ears. Keep in mind that acupressure points used in Traditional Chinese Medicine are different from the reflex points used in reflexology. However, many of both are stimulated during a reflexology session, which is what we do at Sole Sorcery. Therefore, you reap double the rewards during your session with us.

The use of acupressure during reflexology can address many conditions, including:

  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Increased stress

  • Pain relief

  • Memory problems

  • Menstrual issues

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


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