Thrift Shop Energy


Do you believe that second-hand items hold the energy of the people that used to own them?

I am a big fan of thrift stores. Not just for the low prices and unique, vintage finds, but because I like the energy in what I find there. As a comparison, I remember when I was looking for a console table. I scoured the thrift stores, but couldn't find what I was looking for. So, I ended up buying the table new. It was beautiful, but it was so 'boring!' When I touched it, I felt nothing. It was literally a blank canvas, waiting to be filled with the energies of its now home and owner. Now, a year later, the table is brimming with vibrations and life.

When I step into a thrift store, I can hear as each article of clothing and each piece of furniture tells its story. There is so much history there.... I touch the items and examine them, getting a feel for where they've been. Sometimes, an object speaks to me that I normally wouldn't buy, such as that seemingly hand-painted lime green coffee table. I passed it several times, thinking "Well, it's really cheap, but where am I gonna put it?" I was going to pass on it, but after walking by it for the 2oth time, I knew that it had something to teach me. I picked it up, and we bonded instantly. I still don't know the meaning for this table selecting me, but as with all things, it will be reveled in time.

I've not had any issues with absorbing negative energy from items I've bought, because while in the store I will get a vibe that says, clear as day, "Stay away." I heed those warnings, and wander off to look at something else. If you do happen to take home something questionable, you can start by washing any clothing (this is a good idea anyway) and adding a drop or two of spiritual oil to the cycle. As for furniture, lamps, artwork, etc., you can use sage, palo santo, or florida water to purify these items.

More often than not, however, while in the store I hear whispers of a life, someone who moved and breathed and perhaps died while wearing or sitting in or touching an item. I hear stories of the places where that item has traveled, and what it has observed. I uncover mysteries and secret places.

Taking quality out of the picture, between new and used, my choice is used every time.


What is Florida Water?


Using Oils