Reiki Organizations


Unlike with reflexology, Reiki organizations within the United States are few. Nevertheless, I have listed those I have found here, those I have found are listed here, along with organizations located outside of the U.S. We update this post on a regular basis. Do you have more organizations to add to the list or see any changes to be made? If so, contact us!

Within the United States

Center for Reiki Research

National Certification Center of Energy Practitioners

Reiki Unified

New York - Central New York Reiki Association

Mississippi - Mississippi Reiki Association

Outside of the United States

Australia - Reiki Australia

Canada - Canadian Reiki Association

Europe - European Reiki Group

Ireland - Reiki Federation Ireland

Japan - NPO Japan Reiki Association

United Kingdom (U.K.) - UK Reiki Federation

Worldwide - International Association of Reiki Professionals

Worldwide - International Center for Reiki Training

Worldwide - International Reiki Association

Worldwide - Reiki Alliance

Worldwide - Reiki Healing Association


Reflexology Organizations


Reflexology Presentation