New Year’s Intentions


You're all set for the party, or maybe you're staying in tonight. Either way, you're thinking about what you're going to do differently next year. It's a clean slate, a fresh start. Time to make those resolutions! However, setting New Year's intentions may actually work better for you instead. Here's why.

For me, losing weight is a general yearly resolution. A few weeks in, I'd usually fall back into my old eating habits. This left me feeling defeated, and wondering if I'd ever be able to keep this or any resolution for that matter. Then the next year, I'd start all over again. It was an endless cycle. So this time, let's change this resolution into an intention:

Instead of: "I want to lose weight," say "I honor and cherish my body."

Compare the two. Which one sounds more encouraging to you? Which one do you think would be easier to stick with? It's all about the positive energy in your words. The intention is also much broader; it can apply to eating habits and exercise, but also self-care, and even removing yourself from a situation where there is physical abuse involved. Let's try another:

Instead of: "I want a man!" say "I attract those who treat me with kindness and respect."

With this intention, you may meet the love of your life, and you may also develop lasting friendships as well. Now, there is nothing wrong with being very specific with your intentions. It all depends upon the situation. With the example above, if you have someone in mind, then you can be particular. However, I find that setting general intentions often gives me what I need instead of what I want. Going back to the example again, I may really want that man, but he may not be the best fit for me. Another:

Instead of: "I want a better job," say "I recognize and take advantage of opportunities that come my way."

These opportunities could lead to a promotion or a job at a new organization, but could also lead to a profitable investment, or a new business venture. One more:

Instead of: "I want to make more money at my business", say "I provide necessary and invaluable services" or "I create useful and beneficial products."

Take the focus off of money, and put it on helping others. As you do so, people will notice, and you will attract income.

Write down your intentions, and repeat them to yourself on a daily basis. They will soon become a part of you, and you will begin to believe that they are possible. Of course, as with all things, you must take action as well.

So try setting intentions for next year instead of making resolutions, and see how it goes. Change the way you think, and you can change your life.


Herbal Birthright


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