Energetic Edibles


One of my ex-boyfriends was a meat cutter. I remember telling him to be careful about his attitude when he went to work. I said that if he had a bad day, someone was going to take home the meat he touched and have an argument with his family around the dinner table. Even all those years ago I was aware of the transference of energy, even to inanimate (or no longer animate) objects. I have become more aware to this day.

Last week a co-worker brought me samples of several vegan dishes she prepared for Thanksgiving dinner. She had curried greens, dressing, green beans, and cranberry sauce. She also gave me some of her tea, which was peppermint, with added apple cider vinegar, lemon, and just a touch of molasses for sweetness.

Normally I'd think, yuck. However, I was once a vegan years ago, and have been eating much healthier recently. In addition, as of late, I'd actually been thinking about giving up meat again. So I jumped at the chance to try these delicacies.

....Her food did more than give me a memory.... it transported me back in time decades ago when I was healthier, leaner, and not yet weighed down with the crushing responsibilities of life. The AIR smelled sweeter.... At that moment I was sitting in the office, but my soul was transformed.... I WAS THAT WOMAN AGAIN.... Light, young, strong, free.... My body tingled and became warm; I was electrified. Dumbfounded, all I could do was stare and think, "Wow...."

During this time, my co-worker first eyed me suspiciously, then began to laugh. As she already knows I am 'strange,' all was well. This experience lasted for a full half an hour. As it slowly began to fade, I mourned its loss and struggled to cling to every molecule of the sensation. I was still flushed.

"Your food is LIFE!" I exclaimed to my co-worker. "It tastes as though you just pulled it from the ground! It is not good, nor bad.... It simply IS! Like air, you don't question it, you simply breathe! It's unconscious!" I rambled on like this the entire time. What exactly was I trying to say? I DON'T KNOW. To this day, I cannot find the appropriate words to verbalize my thoughts.

Yes, even now as I type, I remember, I feel....

I imagine what I would my existence would be like if I ate like that on a daily basis....


Wine and Spirits


The Energy on Halloween