

The term 'speaking things into existence' is quite true. I used to send these affirmations along with each of our oil orders, but I've decided to place them here for you to view at any time. Use them in peace and love!

You can say one or more of these affirmations throughout the day, including in the morning when you awaken, and at night before you go to bed.

DESIRE OIL (Love and Attraction)

“Wherever I go, I attract positive attention. I am irresistible!”

“I am open to giving and receiving love.”

“I am worthy of love and I find it with ease.”

“My relationship is stable and healthy. We continue to grow closer each day.”

“I love and respect myself, and this is reflected in how my mate treats me.”

CURRENCY OIL (Money and Wealth)

“I easily attract money and money-making opportunities to me at all times.”

“I have all the money I want and need, and my income is always increasing.”

“I deserve to be financially stable and have the lifestyle of my dreams.”

“I have a positive relationship with money and know how to spend it wisely.”

HAVEN OIL (Grounding and Protection)

“I am centered, balanced, and stable.”

“I am safe, secure, and protected.”

“I am in control, and remain rooted and connected to the earth.”

“I am shielded from negative energy and those who wish me harm.”

“I am surrounded by light and I radiate positivity.”

“I release all negativity, that from others and that from within.”

BRAZEN OIL (Confidence and Communication)

“Each day I become more confident, powerful, and assertive.”

“I express my thoughts and opinions clearly and with conviction.”

“My presence demands respect and attention.”

“I look forward to interacting with others with enthusiasm.”

“I am bold and I am brave.”

“I stand up for what I believe in without hesitation.”

HEAL OIL (Release and Flourish)

“I give myself permission to heal.”

“I have let go of the past and embrace the present moment with an open heart.”

"Everything I have gone through has made me a stronger, wiser, and more compassionate person."

“I am gentle and patient with myself throughout this process.”

“Each day I continue to grow and become more self-aware and at peace.”

Speak with intention! Ours oils can be ordered here. They are tools that amplify the magic YOU ALREADY HAVE WITHIN. Remember, YOU are the key!


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