Appointment Policy

In addition to the information found here, please review our other policies as well.

Scheduling and Payment

It’s time to schedule your appointment!

A valid card is required to book your appointment and reserve your space, but will NOT be charged until your visit. You can always pay with cash at the time of your visit. You also have the option to pay for your session in full when you schedule. 

All appointments are scheduled through Acuity Scheduling. Therefore, your information is kept secure and safe.

You will receive an email upon successful scheduling of your session. Creating an account makes it easier to change, schedule, or cancel your appointment. If not, you can change your appointment using the confirmation email.

Your Visit

For new clients, please allot an additional 15 minutes prior to the start of your visit to complete our intake forms, which include a brief health history. This will ensure that we begin on time. 

For new clients, upon scheduling, you will be able to provide your location, why you are seeking distance Reiki, and whether you would like me to contact you via phone, email, or text. 

Cancellations (Important)

Please note the following policy:

  • If you cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of your appointment, there will be no charge.

  • If you do not cancel or reschedule your appointment within 24 hours, you will be charged 50% of the cost of the appointment. 

  • If you are late for your appointment, the visit will still end at the designated time. You will be charged the full cost of the appointment.

  • If you are unavailable for your appointment altogether (no cancellation or rescheduling) then you will be charged the full cost of the visit.​

Sole Sorcery reserves the right to discontinue scheduling those who frequently cancel, reschedule, are unavailable for, or begin appointments late. 

Unavailability Upon Arrival (Mobile Services)

In the event that Sole Sorcery arrives at the designated location and the client is unavailable, Sole Sorcery will make two attempts to contact the client within the first five minutes of the scheduled appointment time. If the client does not respond, or if the client responds and is still unavailable, then the cost of the service will not be refunded.

If the client responds and is available, the session will still end at the originally scheduled time, however the client will still be charged the entire cost of the service.